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Selected Articles of Interest
by John M. Collard

Strategic Management Partners John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor
John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor
A nationally recognized turnaround management firm
specializing in interim executive leadership, asset recovery,
investing in underperforming distressed troubled companies.

Feature   Articles   Author   Writing Credits   Firm   SMP Home   Contact
Sections/Topics: Building Value   Investing in Distressed Assets   Value Creation
Presentations, Programs, & Specials   Leadership   Benefits of Interim Management
Phases & Actions in Turnaround Process   Work With T/A Pros   Defense Conversion
Incentive-Based Mgt   Set Strategy   Early Warning Signs of Business Troubles

John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor
Create Value.
John M. Collard is a nationally recognized turnaround professional, interim executive manager, private equity advisor, and equity capital investor; is a frequent speaker, often quoted by the press, and has authored many articles on the topics; Is Your Company In Trouble?, Early Warning Signs Pinpoint Business Trouble, Change Leadership Style to Affect a Turnaround, Turnaround Mgt and Equity Investing Techniques, Working With Turnaround Pros to Preserve Value, Incentive-Based Mgt, Value Creation Model, Building Value, Asset and Investment Recovery, Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process, Benefits of Interim Management, and Investing in Underperforming Distressed Troubled Companies, A Rx to Renewed Health and Asset Recovery John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor
The Future. Now.

John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor   Featured Article         John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

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Feature Article Of The Month

InterimCEO Network has featured Articles-of-Interest written by John Collard on their library

John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor   Articles Of Interest         John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

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Building Value In Companies to Prepare Them For Sale

Investing in Underperforming Distressed Troubled Companies

Value Creation Model To Build Value

Presentations & Programs on Building Value and Investing

Executive Leadership to Enhance Value

Benefits of Interim Management

Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process

Working With Turnaround Professionals To Preserve Value

Defense Conversion — Strategies for Federal Government Contractors

Incentive-Based Management To Get Results

Set Strategy — Build Mission Statement for Direction

Early Warning Signs of Companies Heading For Trouble

[Marble]   Writing Credits         [Quil]

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Select writing credits include Buyouts Magazine, Director’s Monthly, Directorship, The Corporate Board, Washington & Baltimore Smart CEO Magazine, InterimCEO News, Mergers & Acquisitions, Venture Capital Guide, The Journal of Private Equity, Shareholder Value Magazine, Valuation Issues Magazine, Strategic Finance Magazine, Financial Executive Magazine, Institutional Investor, Commercial Law Bulletin, New Jersey Lawyer, Successful Restructurings, Dow Jones Bankruptcy Review, ABF Journal, Printing Impressions Magazine, Print Profit Magazine, Military Engineer, BMDO Update, Manage Magazine, Contract Management Magazine, The Fabricator, Secured Lender, Lending and Risk Management News, Commercial Loan Monitor, Journal of Working Capital Management, Journal of Business Strategy, among others. In addition, we have been quoted or featured in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore Sun, Warfield’s Business Record, The Daily Record, Washington and Baltimore Business Journals, Gazette of Politics & Business, Success Magazine, Bloomberg Magazine, Europe Magazine, Bankruptcy Court Decisions, International Treasurer, M & A Magazine, Turnaround & Workouts Magazine, ABF Journal, and others.

[Marble]   About the Firm         [ tsigetarts]

Strategic Management Partners has substantial experience advising corporations and individuals on the strategic and mechanical issues of corporate development and governance, operating management and turnarounds for asset recovery, and investing in underperforming companies. Our principal has over 35 years experience in P/L Management, Strategic Planning and Repositioning, M & A for Strategic Advantage, Finance, Investing, Raising Funds, Sales/Business Development, Building Selling and Marketing Teams, and Operational Auditing = In Public & Private companies = In healthy and crisis situations.

We work with and support the equity capital community to provide assessment studies to determine the situation, planning and strategy development to direct the company, crisis management to oversee that assets are not squandered away, workout teams that recover assets, and board level oversight to keep the client headed in the right direction.

We seek strategic alliances with private equity funds.

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John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

We welcome constructive inquires. More information is available if required.

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John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor   Contact Information


John M. Collard, Chairman
Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
522 Horn Point Drive
Annapolis, Maryland [MD] 21403
Voice 410-263-9100 Facsimile 410-263-6094 E-Mail Strategist@aol.com
About the Principal       About the Expert

We serve as experts for comment or quote, please contact us at 410-263-9100 John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

We welcome constructive inquires, please send via E-Mail to:   Strategist. John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., expert turnaround specialist and equity investor

Top   Index   SMP Home   Contact
Feature   Articles   Author   Writing Credits   Firm  
Sections/Topics: Building Value   Investing in Distressed Assets   Value Creation
Presentations & Programs   Leadership   Work With T/A Pros   Defense Conversion
Benefits of Interim Management   Phases & Actions in Turnaround Process
Incentive-Based Mgt   Set Strategy   Early Warning Signs of Business Troubles

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