Business Developers, Revenue Generators & Sales to Fuel a Turnaround

Revenue Driven Turnarounds & Building Selling Teams

Strategic Management Partners [ tsigetarts]

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[Marble]   Generating Revenues to Grow

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Strategic Management Partners has substantial experience advising corporations and individuals on the strategic and mechanical issues of corporate development, generating revenue and sales growth, and operating management. Our principal has over 30 years experience in P/L Management, Strategic Planning and Repositioning, M&A for Strategic Advantage, Finance, Investing, Raising Funds for individual investments and venture based money funds, Sales/Business Development, Building Selling and Marketing Teams, and Operational Auditing = In Public & Private companies = In healthy and troubled situations. We can account for new business attributed to our efforts totaling $670 million in systems integration business and over $150 million in commercial business.

We believe that a dollar must be a dollar of revenue before it can be any other kind of dollar in the business. While you can sell assets and cut costs, both of these have limits. You must generate new revenues to survive and grow. We have developed a Bid Information Review process that guides the pursuit of market penetration. We address the real issues and not the symptoms to help our clients understand what actions are required, which make sense, and what new markets they can enter. We develop strategies and workout plans designed around revenue driven turnarounds to revitalize the company. We invite you to discuss how we can be of benefit in your situation.

We believe that a revenue driven turnaround strategy is a much better way to build value for the future.

[Marble]   Calling All Dollars

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Dollars come and dollars go . . . In and Out of a company . . . preferably more of the former. A company in business to make money.

  • Know Your Customer -- When was the last time you talked to him to determine his needs?
  • Adapt Your Company -- Determine what the customer values, in what context he values it and how he measures that value.
  • Do What It Takes To Bring In New Business -- Management must get involved to develop a commitment to winning new business.

[Marble]   Turnarounds Can Be Revenue Driven
      Manage the Process

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Which Candidates Qualify?
There must be Capital available to fuel growth
There must be Time available to grow the company
There must be Capacity available to produce
Those with high fixed cost element
Those where sales and distribution can be improved
Implementing the Turnaround
Changing leadership often makes a real difference
Turn employees into growth oriented teams
Obtain total company support with positive attitude
Become sales and marketing driven company
Become customer oriented
The Process is Different
Total commitment is required
The focus is benefit driven
Attention is Outside rather than Inside
Encourage customers to share renewed growth
These Turnarounds Can Be More Risky
Cultural transition is required
Selling force must be revitalized and refocused
Pursue unpenetrated markets
Launch new products
Fountain of Revenue

[Marble]   Re-Energize the Sales Force
      Build an Effective Selling Team

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Focus -- Reignite the selling force [$$$]
Eliminate Excuses -- Target the real issues
Accept the Present Situation -- Build on existing assets
Retrace and Reshuffle -- Sharpen your pencil and redraw territories
Restart the Selling Process -- Or start it. Get Sales people out of the office and off of the order desk
Innovate -- Refuse to accept complacency
Motivate -- Put the proper carrot in place, and pay

We invite you to talk with us about an assessment of your situation or providing new leadership to build value and generating revenue growth to revitalize your company.

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[Marble]   Contact Information

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John M. Collard, Chairman, CTP
Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
522 Horn Point Drive
Annapolis, Maryland [MD] 21403
Voice 410-263-9100 Facsimile 410-263-6094 E-Mail
Meet the Principals   Our Chairman     Our Expert @ Building Selling Teams

We serve as experts for comment or quote, please contact us at 410-263-9100 [Telephone]

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We welcome constructive inquires, please send via E-Mail to:   Strategist. [Mailbox]


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Copyright © 1996-2007 Strategic Management Partners, Inc. turnaround management and investing, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., tsigetarts