Executive Leadership to Enhance Value

Business Management, Operating Managers
& Corporate Governance

Strategic Management Partners [ tsigetarts]

Summary -- Transferable Skill-Set -- Value
Change Leadership Style -- Contact
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[Marble]   Operating Manager Summary

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[Blocks]   Strategic Management Partners has substantial experience advising corporations and individuals on the strategic and mechanical issues of corporate development and operating management. Our principal has over 30 years experience in P/L Management, Strategic Planning and Repositioning, M&A for Strategic Advantage, Finance, Investing, Raising Funds for individual investments and venture based money funds, Sales/Business Development, Building Selling and Marketing Teams, and Operational Auditing = In Public & Private companies = In healthy and troubled situations. See About the Principal  [Plane]

We utilize a virtual corporation concept to keep burdens low, while maintaining the ability to field a team of caliber experts in a short period of time. We maintain a data base of professionals that can be called upon to bring depth to any assignment.

Our documented success stories capitalize on building organizations, managing companies to profitable growth, and transitioning companies from one business segment into another. We are particularly adept at taking federal government contractors into commercial and international marketplaces -- and vise versa. We invite you to review our credentials and discuss how lessons learned during past success may apply to your situation.

We believe that there is a set of skills that is critical to running a company effectively, we utilize this philosophy to revitalize companies for our clients. We also believe that it is important to change the style of leadership and management when a crisis or transition is at hand. The styles of leadership are different and call for different strengths. Decision making is critical to the process, it can not be left to those who did not make these decisions before, or to those who made the wrong ones. After reaching stability, another change in the leader or manager is often the right answer as well.

[Marble]   Transferable Skill-Set                

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Bringing sound business principals to situations where they were not applied before, or perhaps have been forgotten.
Transferable Skill-Set
Key Skill Derivative
Bring Leadership
Objective Focus, Teach,
  Manage Change Control
Set Strategy Vision, Direction, Momentum
Build Management Team
Establish Credibility,
  Continuity, Infrastructure
Establish Capital Structure
Create Reasons to Invest,
  Secure New Capital,
  Provide Exit Strategies
Promote New Business
Market Driven,
  Sell to Generate Revenues
Implement Processes
Cost control, Cash Management,
  Value Enhancement

We have developed management processes that focus on various phases and actions during the turnaround cycle. This structured and orderly approach allows us a high rate of success in corporate renewal engagements. Contact us to discuss the detailed methodology and how this can work for you.

[Marble]   We Believe in Value Creation

        [V] aluation Enhancement

          [A] cquire, Sell, Divest for Strategic Advantage

            [L] eadership in Transition

              [U] tilization of Assets and Resources

                [E] xit Strategies

[Marble]   Change the Leadership Style

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Bringing new focus and expertise to a unique set of dynamics in a corporate renewal situation.
Change the Leadership Style
Skill Stable or Growth
Turnaround or
Trouble Situation
On Objectives
On Survival, Action,
  On Problem Solving
Decision Making Deliberate Decisive, Immediate
Authority Delegate Direct Involvement
Recruit Talent,
Respected For:
Financial Credibility
Known For: Consistency Ability to Shift Gears

We invite you to talk with us about new leadership in your situation.

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[Marble]   Contact Information

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John M. Collard, Chairman, CTP
Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
522 Horn Point Drive
Annapolis, Maryland [MD] 21403
Voice 410-263-9100 Facsimile 410-263-6094 E-Mail Strategist@aol.com

We serve as experts for comment or quote, please contact us at 410-263-9100 [Telephone]

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We welcome constructive inquires, please send via E-Mail to:   Strategist. [Mailbox]


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Transferable Skill-Set   Value Creation   Change Leadership Style
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Copyright © 1996-2007 Strategic Management Partners, Inc. turnaround management and investing, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., tsigetarts