Smart CEO Magazine  
Column: Turnaround Strategist 
Written by John M. Collard  

Turnaround Management - Raising Capital
Leadership - Investing - Outside Directorship  
Benefits of Interim Management.
by John M. Collard, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., 
published by InterimCEO, Interim Managers 
SMP Library 
Strategic Management Partners  Benefits of Interim Management, C-Level Executives Can Make the Difference, 
by John M. Collard, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., experts in interim & turnaround management, 
corporate renewal, expert consulting advisory.
Benefits of Interim Management, C-Level Executives Can Make the Difference, 
by John M. Collard, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., experts in interim & turnaround management, 
corporate renewal, expert consulting advisory.
A nationally recognized turnaround management firm
specializing in asset and investment recovery, raising capital,
outside director governance, interim executive leadership,
investing in and rebuilding distressed troubled companies.
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Benefits of Interim Management, C-Level Executives Can Make the Difference, 
by John M. Collard, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., experts in interim & turnaround management, 
corporate renewal, expert consulting advisory.

Smart CEO Publishes Articles-of-Interest

Turnaround Management - Raising Capital -
Leadership - Outside Directorship - Investing  
By John M. Collard  
Column: Turnaround Strategist 
Benefits of Turnaround Management, C-Level Executives Can Make the Difference, 
by John M. Collard, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., experts in interim & turnaround management, 
corporate renewal, expert consulting advisory.  
Article Links 
About the Author
Reviving Troubled Companies: Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process
Rebuilding Company Value to Prepare it for Sale, Part1, Fixer-Uppers
Rebuilding Company Value to Prepare it for Sale, Part2, Process of Recovery
Outside Directors Can Save Troubled Companies
Raising Money for Under-Performing Companies
Liquidate. Start Over.
Incentive-Based Management
Early Warning Signs of Business Trouble

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Smart CEO Publishes Articles-of-Interest By John Collard
Turnaround Mgt - Outside Director - Leadership - Investing  

Smart CEO Magazines published a Column: Turnaround Strategist by John M. Collard, turnaround specialist, outside director, and private equity advisor. These articles cover the topics: Liquidation as a Strategy, Benefits of Outside Directors, Warning Signs of Trouble in a Company, Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process, Working With Turnaround Managers, Investing in and Rebuilding Distressed Companies, Value Creation Model, Change Leaders to Accomplish a Turnaround, Mission Statements That Lead, Incentive-Based Management, and Defense Conversion. Enjoy ...

[Marble]   Articles-of-Interest [IMAGE]

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Reviving troubled companies:
Phases and actions in the turnaround process

Written by John Collard
Turnaround opportunities abound for those who have the knowledge and fortitude to go through the process. The rewards can be plentiful, and the failures catastrophic. Look for the root causes of trouble first. Then use the steps in the phases and actions in the turnaround process to effect change.

Rebuilding a company's value to prepare it for sale:
Part 1: Finding a viable fixer-upper investment

Written by John Collard
Investing in under-performers and rebuilding value has become a more acceptable practice. This is easy to say, yet tricky to implement. But there is a process to provide positive results.

Part 2: The process of recovery
Written by John Collard
There is a process to provide positive results. The process of recovery, rebuilding the company, and when to exit to achieve the best returns.

Outside directors can save troubled companies:
(and they're helpful for everyone else too)

Written by John Collard
An outside director is a member of the board of directors or advisors who is not part of the executive management team. These individuals are helpful to your company because they rarely have conflicts of interest and they often see the big picture differently than insiders.

Raising money for under-performing companies:
Easier than you may think

Written by John Collard
There is an abundance of funding available in the marketplace for good deals. The key wording in this statement is of course “good deals.” When a company is in trouble, it is rarely considered a good deal without some fixing.

The time has come to liquidate your company.
How can you start over?

Written by John Collard
When a company is in trouble, the owner loses credibility. Bankers and creditors no longer believe what you have to say. Chances are, it is much harder to be creative with new stories to get cooperation. In the meantime, your assets are deterioating in value.

Show them the money: A case for incentive-based management.
Written by John Collard
Business owners willing to invest in realistic incentives that reward employee achievements are likely to reap the proceeds. The key to success is to set realistic goals and time frames, hold managers accountable for performance, and communicate measurement and reward methodology — then step back and let them perform.

Deathbed businesses: When a business stops growing, it starts dying.
Written by John Collard
Too often, companies die unnecessarily because most business leaders haven’t learned to recognize the symptoms of oncoming illness in their business. Leadership hasn’t had to deal with it in the past and is ill equipped when trouble sets in. The obvious signs of business trouble are rarely its root causes. Losing money, for example, isn’t the problem; losing money is the result of other problems.

Turnaround Strategist.   [IMAGE]

[Marble]   Reference and Other Sources

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John Collard, Turnaround Strategist

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John M. Collard is a Certified Turnaround Professional (CTP), a Certified International Turnaround Manager (CITM), who brings 35 years senior operating leadership, $85M asset & investment recovery, 46+ transactions worth $1.2B, and $80M fund management expertise to run troubled companies, and advise company boards, litigators, institutional and private equity investors. John has on many occasions parachuted in as the Interim CEO or senior executive to turn around a trouble entity. John is Chairman of Strategic Management Partners, Inc. (410-263-9100, ) in Annapolis, Maryland. John is Past Chairman of the Turnaround Management Association (TMA), Past Chairman of the Association of Interim Executives, and a Senior Fellow of the Turnaround Management Society. John is inducted into the Turnaround Management, Restructuring, and Distressed Investing Industry Hall Of Fame, honoring those individuals whose outstanding contributions have increased the stature and respect of our industry. John is the Prince George's Business Leader of the Year. John received the inaugral Interim Management Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Interim Executives. John received the SmartCEO Distinguished Leadership Award.

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About the Firm: Strategic Management Partners, Inc. (410-263-9100, ) is a turnaround management firm specializing in interim CEO executive leadership, asset and investment recovery for investors, outside director and corporate renewal governance, private equity advisory, raising money, and investing in and rebuilding underperforming distressed troubled companies. SMP helps clients restore value to troubled companies, prepare entities for 'cash out' at maximum value, recover assets for fund investors, support litigation, and invest private equity into distressed opportunities. The firm has been advisor to Presidents Bush (41 & 43), Reagan, Clinton, and Yeltsin, World Bank, EBRD, Company Boards, and Equity Capital Investors on leadership, governance, turnaround management and equity investing. SMP is celebrating 25 years in the turnaround business serving clients. SMP was named Maryland’s Small Business of the Year and received the Governor’s Citation for Excellence, Governor Martin J. O'Malley, The State of Maryland as a special tribute to honor work in the areas of turning around troubled companies and saving jobs in Maryland. Turnarounds & Workouts Magazine has Twice Named SMP Among the ‘Top Outstanding Turnaround Management Firms’. American and Baltimore Business Journals Named SMP to Most Active Turnaround Management and Consulting Firms in Baltimore, Washington, DC, Virginia, and the Mid-Atlantic Region. Global M&A Network presented their Turnaround Atlas Award for Turnaround Consulting Firm of the Year (Boutique) to Strategic Management Partners, Inc.

Reprinted with permission. Smart CEO, 2016-2017. Copyright 2016-2017, Strategic Management Partners, Inc. 410-263-9100

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Benefits of Interim Management, C-Level Executives Can Make the Difference, 
by John M. Collard, Strategic Management Partners, Inc., experts in interim & turnaround management, 
corporate renewal, expert consulting advisory.  Contact Information

John M. Collard, Chairman, CTP, CITM
Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
522 Horn Point Drive
Annapolis, Maryland [MD] 21403
Voice 410-263-9100 Facsimile 410-263-6094 E-Mail
Collard, Turnaround Strategist

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