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Select Articles of Interest
by John M. Collard, Turnaround Specialist
Strategic Management Partners

A nationally recognized turnaround management firm
specializing in asset and investment recovery, raising capital,
outside director governance, interim executive leadership,
investing in and rebuilding distressed troubled companies.
Writing Credits
SMP Home
Raise Money
Build Value
Invest in Distressed Assets
Benefits of Outside Directors
Value Creation
Defense Conversion
Benefits of Interim Managers
Set Strategy
Phases & Actions in Turnaround Process
Work With Turnaround Pros
Exit Strategies For Practice Owners: Cash Out Alternatives
Liquidate. Start Over.
Compete to Win
Sell To Customers In The Way They Want To Be Sold To
Incentive-Based Mgt
Early Warning Signs of Business Troubles
Feature Interview
10 Ways to Restart and Improve Profits
Create Value.
John M. Collard is a inter-nationally recognized turnaround professional, interim CEO,
private equity advisor, equity capital investor, and outside director; is a frequent speaker, often quoted by the press,
and has authored many articles on the topics;
Is Your Company In Trouble?, Early Warning Signs Pinpoint Business Trouble,
Change Leadership Style to Affect a Turnaround,
Turnaround Mgt and Equity Investing Techniques,
Working With Turnaround Pros to Preserve Value,
Incentive-Based Mgt, Value Creation Model,
Building Value, Asset and Investment Recovery,
Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process,
Investing in and Rebuilding Underperforming Distressed Troubled Companies,
A Rx to Renewed Health and Asset Recovery,
Benefits of Interim Managers,
Benefits of Outside Directors & Advisors, Raising Money In Tough Times,
Sell In The Way They Want To Be Sold To, Exit Strategies For Practice Owners,
Compete to Win: Build Business Development Team That Will Increase Win Ratio, 10 Ways to Restart and Improve Profits,
and Liquidate. Start Over.
The Future. Now.
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The Money Is Out There: Keys To Raising Capital In Tough Times
- Chief Executive Magazine
- An approach to
raising capital during tough economic times. You need a Three Step Approach utilizing
the Internet, an Overview, Executive Summary, Operating Plan, and a focused list of investors and lenders.
Be the "good deal" and you will raise money.
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Turnarounds Explained
Interview With John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
- Finance Monthly
- We speak with John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
on all things turnarounds. Most Important Step in the Process, Expectations, Key Steps, Words of Advice, and Benefits of
Outside Director Guidance.
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Turnaround Strategist by John Collard
Smart CEO Magazines
- Turnaround Strategist
- A Column on Strategy: a compilation of articles by John Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
published by Smart CEO Magazine publications,
including Baltimore, Washington DC, Philadelphia, and New York.
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Raising Money In Tough Times
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The Money Is Out There: Keys To Raising Capital In Tough Times
- Chief Executive Magazine
- An approach to
raising capital during tough economic times. You need a Three Step Approach utilizing
the Internet, an Overview, Executive Summary, Operating Plan, and a focused list of investors and lenders.
Be the "good deal" and you will raise money.
Raising Money In Tough Times.
Easier Than You May Think
- Private Company Director
Directors & Boards
- Private equity funds use a "funnel approach" viewing 1,000 deals
to find 100 worth a deeper review, which result in one or two worth investment.
Present the deal to investors and what is in it for them.
Raising Money Capital in Uncertain Times:
There Is Capital For The Good Deals
- 8a Magazine
- Dedicated to advancing the US Small Business Administration Set-Aside Program. Providing education,
joint venture and partner opportunities, and a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
It is not hard to raise money if you put the right tools in place and the deal is investable. There is money available,
just be the 'good deal' and you will raise capital.
Raising Money In Tough Times: Easier Than You May Think
Turnaround Management Journal
Raising money for under-performing companies:
Easier than you may think
Smart CEO Magazine
Building Value In Companies to Prepare Them For Sale
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A Hands On Approach.
- Mergers & Acquisitions, The Dealmaker's Journal, SourceMedia, Inc.
- Executing a turnaround is no easy task. John M. Collard of Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
spells out the guidelines to get an under-performing company up to speed.
As important to cash infusion for working capital needs is to make certain that cash
won't be diverted to past commitments.
You Must Build Company Value Before You Can Value It
- 8a Magazine
Dedicated to advancing the SBA Set-Aside Program. Providing
a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
Valuing a company is the easy part; creating that value in the first place so you can measure it
is a more formidable task.
Process of Recovery requires Leadership, Strategy, Quality Management Team, New Business Development,
Sound Capital Structure, Implement Processes, and Nuture Resources.
Fixer-Uppers: Rebuilding Company Value To Prepare For Sale
- Private Company Director
Directors & Boards
- Valuing a company is the easy part; creating that value in the first place
so you can measure it is a more formidable task. Bring Leasdership, Set Strategy,
Build Management Team, New Business Development, Sound Capital Structure, Implement Processes, and Nuture Resources.
Investing in Underperforming Companies
A Rx for Renewed Health and Asset Recovery
- Buyouts Magazine. Featured Cover Article.
- The newsletter for management buyouts, leveraged acquisitions and special situations.
Investing in underperforming companies can be profitable if you know what to look for and how to execute.
The fundamental premise is to get a company that is turnable, know how to fix the problems,
be able to not spend money on past sins, obtain at the right price, manage the turnaround
and sell at increased value.
Fixer-Uppers: Rebuilding Company Value To Prepare For Sale
Global Banking & Finance Review
Rebuilding a company's value to prepare it for sale:
Part 1: Finding a viable fixer-upper investment
Part 2: The process of recovery
Smart CEO Magazine
Mining Value From Distressed Companies:
Building Properties In Which Future Buyers Want To Invest
Journal Of Corporate Renewal Magazine
Fixer-Uppers: Creating Pre-Sale Company Value
New Jersey Lawyer, In Re: Special Mergers & Acquisitions Supplement
You Can't Measure A Company's Value Until You First Build It
Baltimore Business Journal, Mergers & Acquisitions
Restart and Improve Profits In Your Company
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10 Ways to Restart and Improve Company Profits
- Small Business Today Magazine
- Restarting companies after Coronavirus shutdown orders is a formidable task.
This requires a change in thinking. Take new products to existing customers.
Take existing products to new customers in new markets.
Benefits of Outside Directors
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Why Hire Outside Directors When Private Companies Don't Have To?
They Bring Change.
- 8a Magazine
- Dedicated to advancing the US Small Business Administration Set-Aside Program. Providing education,
joint venture and partner opportunities, and a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
You need these guys ... to increase cash flow, provide valuable guidance, contacts, and credibility.
Hire that outside director.
Outside Directors Offer Valuable Guidance, Contacts
- Baltimore Business Journal
- The Baltimore Business Journal is a publication of American Business Journals
for business leaders and professionals.
Turnaround management expert John Collard discusses adding outside directors to
a private company's board to offer valuable guidance, contacts, and benefits.
Six Ways Outside Directors Impact Business Growth
- Private Company Director
Directors & Boards
- With a board of directors, your company immediately gains legitimacy, and
a panel with expertise that you probably don't have in-house. Outside directors
bring an independent perspective, strategic thinking & planning,
experience & objectivity, contacts, capital infusion, and transactions.
You Need These Folks --
Six Ways Outside Directors Impact Business Growth
ABF Journal
6 Ways Outside Directors Benefit Business Growth
You Need These Guys
President&CEO Magazine
Benefits of Working With Outside Directors
InterimExecs Network Journal
Outside directors can save troubled companies
(and they're helpful for everyone else too)
Smart CEO Magazine
Value Creation Model To Build Value
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Value Creation Model
Built to Sell
- Shareholder Value Magazine
Featured Article
- A primer on how to build a value creation model aimed at achieving the kind of
steady growth that attracts investors and future buyers of the business itself.
The key business attributes and how to create the most value in them are spelled out.
If You Build It ...
Value Creation Model Shows Buyers Your Company's Worth
- ABF Journal, Turnaround Corner
- The magazine for the commercial finance professional.
Determining Value is more art form than science. True value can only be established at the time
of a transaction, where a willing buyer tenders payment and a willing seller accepts it in exchange.
Valuing a company is the easy part; creating that value in the first place so you can measure it is
a more formidable task. A Value Creation Model can build worth into your company.
Value Creation Model: Built To Sell
- Turnaround Management Journal
- Turnaround Management Society publication. Valuing a company is the easy part,
however creating that value in the first place, so that you can measure it is a
much more formidable task.
Compete to Win.
Build a Business Development Organization That Will Improve Your Win Ratio
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Compete to Win.
Build a Business Development Organization That Will Improve Your Win Ratio
- 8a Magazine
- Dedicated to advancing the US Small Business Administration Set-Aside Program. Providing education,
joint venture and partner opportunities, and a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
Concentrate on building a business development organization that will bring in competitive new business.
Bid to win, then manage to profitability and cash flow.
Investing in Underperforming Distressed Troubled Companies
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Looking For The Exit:
An Approach To Investing in Underperforming Companies
- Dow Jones Bankruptcy Review
Dow Jones & Company Newsletters
- Covering Key Issues and Events in Distressed Situations.
One of a series of opinion columns by leading bankruptcy participants.
Professionals guiding investors or looking to invest in underperforming companies
themselves should be aware of what to look for and how to execute.
'Distressed Investing' Can Yield Healthy Returns for Savvy Backers
- Baltimore Business Journal
- Mergers & Acquisitions Special Edition -- Piecing The Deals Together
The first special publication devoted to Mergers & Acquisitions, BBJ set out to go behind the
deals that had the business community buzzing. BBJ solicited articles from the personalities
behind the art of the deal in Greater Baltimore.
John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
writes "Corporate renewal is a process. It involves using a set of skills to rejuvenate a
company to the state where it can be sold."
Mining 'the Gold' in Troubled Companies
- ABF Journal Magazine, Turnaround Corner
- The magazine for the commercial finance professional.
Investing in underperformers has become a more acceptable practice. It can be very profitable
if you know what to look for, how to execute, as many buyout firms are finding out. While simply stated,
yet tricky to implement, there is a rewarding process to provide results.
Executive Leadership to Enhance Value
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Benefits of Interim Management
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Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process
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Reviving troubled companies:
Phases and actions in the turnaround process
Smart CEO Magazine
Managing Turnarounds: Phases and Actions in the Turnaround Process
White Paper by John M. Collard
Working With Turnaround Professionals To Preserve Value
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Work With Turnaround Professionals to Preserve Value
- Lending and Risk Management News
- The Risk Management Association, formerly Robert Morris Associates; the official association representing
the commercial bankers across the United States. Working with turnaround professionals to improve and preserve value.
An overview of the process provides food for thought.
Recover & Preserve Value:
Working Successfully With Turnaround Professionals
Part 1, When is Specialist needed, how to hire
Part 2, How Specialist operates, why firms hesitate hiring
- ABF Journal, Turnaround Corner,
- Magazine for commercial finance professional. We
discuss when a specialist is needed, how to diagnose company trouble, how to hire and select a
turnaround specialist, how the specialist operates and forges an agreement, and sheds light on why
some businesses are leary of using these specialists.
Part 1
Part 2
Turnaround Specialists Can Stave Off Financial Ruin
- Baltimore Business Journal
- Banking & Finance Special Edition
The turnaround specialist should work himself out of a job to be most effective. A company's financial
problems often result from mismanagement. When existing management who lead the company into trouble,
doesn't have the skills to deal with crisis, a turnaround specialist may be needed.
John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
writes "The specialist offers a new set of eyes, skills and understanding of troubled situations to
independently evaluate a company's circumstances. Turnaround Specialists add value."
American City Business Journals syndicated this article to 42 cities nationwide.
Working With Turnaround Professionals to Preserve Value
An Overview of the Profession
TMA Directory of Members and Services
Working with Turnaround Professionals
Commercial Loan Monitor
Turnaround Pros: Who Are These Guys? An interview with John M. Collard
Businesses in Distress:
Is Your Company a Candidate for Failure? (part 1)
Turnaround Financing for Distressed Companies (part 2)
Select, Engage, and Work With Turnaround Specialists to Preserve Value
Journal of Working Capital Management
Exit Strategies For Practice Owners: Cash Out Alternatives
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Defense Conversion — Strategies for Federal Government Contractors
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Defense Conversion, Myth or Mystery?
- The Military Engineer Magazine
- A magazine for the engineering management professional. Transition between markets, from and to commercial,
international and federal, is complex business and must be handled by professionals who have been there before.
How to Restructure a Defense Contractor
- Successful Restructurings
- Turnaround Corner. Inside the Country's Top Turnaround Firms.
John Collard On: How To Restructure A Defense Contractor. From defense contractor
and part of 'Star Wars' to commercial integrator working to improve the environment. A case study yielding six-fold growth.
Incentive-Based Management To Get Results
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Managing Employees Through Incentive Compensation
If You Want Results, Show Them The Money!
- Fabricator Magazine
- Publication of Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International.
Provides methodology to incentivize employees based on rewarding teamwork that produces results.
The ultimate goal is to improve the equity value of the company. Incentives are based 50% on what
employees are directly responsible for, 30% on how their performance affects other key elements of the business, and 20% on
their ability to improve equity value or other elements within their control.
If You Want Results ... Show Them The Money!
Incentive-Based Management
- 8a Magazine
- Deddicated to advancing the US Small Business Administration Set-Aside Program. Providing education,
joint venture and partner opportunities, and a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
Incentive-Based Management is a catalyst toward improving direction and value creation.
Show Them The Money:
A Case For Incentive-Based Management
Smart CEO Magazine
Incentive-Based Management -- Show 'em the Money
Printing Impressions Magazine
Set Strategy — Build Mission Statement for Direction
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Mission Possible:
Six Questions Your Mission Statement Should Answer
- BMDO Update
- Publication of National Technology Transfer Center, formerly the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.
Publication links American Businesses with Ballistic Missile Defense Technology.
Collard writes on the topic of preparing a mission statement to run a company to guide those who are
experts at mission statements to run Missile Defense.
Mission Possible:
Key Elements To A Good Mission Planning Statement
- 8a Magazine
- Dedicated to advancing the US Small Business Administration Set-Aside Program. Providing education,
joint venture and partner opportunities, and a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
What does your mission statement say to others? Make certain that it conveys direction and states why you are the
company to choose to deliver results.
Sell To Customers In The Way They Want To Be Sold To
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Fast 50:
Focus On Retention Over New Customers
- Baltimore Business Journal
- There are only two ways to grow revenue.
1) Sell new products and services to existing customers.
2) Sell existing products and services to new customers.
Most importantly is to sell to your customers in the way that they want to be sold to.
Early Warning Signs of Companies Heading For Trouble
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Deathbed Businesses:
When a Business Stops Growing. It Starts Dying.
- Baltimore & Washington Smart CEO Magazines
- Too often, companies die unnecessarily because most business leaders haven't learned to
recognize the symptoms of oncoming illness in their business. The
obvious signs of business trouble are rarely its root causes. John M. Collard
of Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
spells out some early warning signs of trouble.
Is Your Company In Trouble?
- The Corporate Board Magazine
- The Journal of Corporate Governance, for the directors of Fortune 1000 companies. There are early warning signs to
gauge corporate health, management effectiveness, and predict when a company is headed for trouble.
Steering Clear of the Brink
- The Journal of Private Equity
- Strategies and Techniques for Venture Investing. Published Quarterly by the Institutional Investor, Inc.
In looking at portfolio companies, John Collard notes that differences in leadership style can be an early warning sign of impending trouble.
In addition to leadership style, he notes 10 other common signs of difficulty.
at JPE
Danger Signals: Is Your Company At Risk?
Early Warning Signs Pinpoint Business Troubles.
- 8a Magazine
Dedicated to advancing the US Small Business Administration Set-Aside Program. Providing education,
joint venture and partner opportunities, and a knowledgebase of articles written by experts in business.
Obvious signs of business trouble are rarely its root causes. Losing money, for example, isn't the problem.
Rather, losing money is the result of other problems.
Is Your Company at Risk?
Here are some early-warning signs that pinpoint business troubles.
Strategic Finance Magazine
Liquidate. Start Over.
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Presentations & Programs on Building Value and Investing
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Buying and Managing Distressed Companies
- Thomson Venture Economics' Buyouts Symposium
Buyouts Magazine is the newsletter for management buyouts,
leveraged acquisitions and special situations.
A Symposium Special Panel was moderated by John M. Collard, Chairman, Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
This article is excerted with permission from the panel discussion.
Competition for Good Distressed Deals Is Intense
Investors Warn: Be Skeptical, Hands-On, Disciplined
- The Journal of Corporate Renewal
Official Publication of the Turnaround Management Association,
the premier professional community dedicated to
corporate renewal and turnaround management.
- Excerpted with permission from "Buying and Managing Distressed Companies,"
a panel at Thomson Venture Economics' Buyouts Symposium.
The panel discussion was moderated by
John M. Collard, chairman of Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
A Primer For Corporate Renewal
- A Primer for Corporate Renewal
Published by the Turnaround Management Association featuring pertinent articles to help turnaround practitioners,
consultants, private equity investors, bankers, lenders, and lawyers. Authors include: Tom Peters,
Abraham Zaleznik, Rosemary Bowes, Phyllis Gillis, Jack Butler, Richard Walters, John Collard and others.
Western Turnaround Management and Equity Investing Techniques
- World Bank, Economic Development Institute
- A course developed for World Bank to teach the Privatization Agency, Bankruptcy Agency officials, and industry leaders the way turnaround management and investing is carried on in the western world. A 'train the trainers' course now being delivered throughout Russia, the former USSR countries, and Central Europe.
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Select writing credits include Buyouts Magazine, Director’s Monthly, Directorship, The Corporate Board,
Private Company Director, Director's & Boards, Smart CEO Magazine, InterimCEO News, InterimExecs News, Mergers & Acquisitions,
Venture Capital Guide, The Journal of Private Equity, Shareholder Value Magazine,
Valuation Issues Magazine, Strategic Finance Magazine, Financial Executive Magazine, Institutional Investor,
Commercial Law Bulletin, New Jersey Lawyer, Successful Restructurings, Dow Jones Bankruptcy Review, ABF Journal,
Printing Impressions Magazine, Print Profit Magazine, Military Engineer,
BMDO Update, Manage Magazine, Contract Management Magazine, The Fabricator,
Secured Lender, Lending and Risk Management News, RMA Journal,
Commercial Loan Monitor, Journal of Working Capital Management,
Journal of Business Strategy, Journal of Corporate Renewal, Turnaround Management Journal,
Wealth & Finance Magazine, Chief Executive Magazine, Global Banking $amp; FinanceMagazine,
International Business Magazine, Becker's Hospital Review, Physician Leaders Journal,
among others.
In addition, we have been quoted or featured in the Wall Street Journal,
Washington Post, Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore Sun, Warfield’s Business Record,
The Daily Record, Washington and Baltimore Business Journals,
Gazette of Politics & Business, Success Magazine, Bloomberg Magazine, Europe Magazine, Bankruptcy Court
Decisions, International Treasurer, M & A Magazine, Turnaround & Workouts Magazine, ABF Journal,
President&CEO, 8a Magazine, Corporate Live Wire, Finance Monthly, Board Leadership, and others.
About the Firm
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Strategic Management Partners has
substantial experience advising corporations and individuals on the strategic
and mechanical issues of corporate development and governance, operating management and
turnarounds for asset recovery, outside director leadership, and investing in and rebuilding underperforming companies.
Our principal has over 35 years experience in
P/L Management, Strategic Planning and Repositioning, M & A for Strategic
Advantage, Finance, Investing, Raising Funds, Sales/Business Development,
Building Selling and Marketing Teams, and Operational Auditing = In Public &
Private companies = In healthy and crisis situations.
We work with and support the equity capital community to provide assessment studies to determine
the situation, planning and strategy development to direct the company, crisis management to
oversee that assets are not squandered away, workout teams that recover assets, and board level
oversight to keep the client headed in the right direction.
We seek strategic alliances with private equity funds.
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Contact Information
John M. Collard, Chairman
Strategic Management Partners, Inc.
522 Horn Point Drive
Annapolis, Maryland [MD] 21403
Voice 410-263-9100 Facsimile 410-263-6094 E-Mail
About the Principal
About the Expert
We serve as experts for comment or quote, please contact us at 410-263-9100

We welcome constructive inquires, please send via E-Mail to:

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Strategic Management Partners, Inc.